Our Facility

Come in and take a virtual tour of our space! We are located at 439 N Star Rd, Star ID, 83669.

Upon entering Little Miracles Learning Center, you’ll find yourself in our “Big Room”, an area dedicated for learning and play! Here, we have the castle, the baby gate for our younger learners, art areas, building block/Lego areas, a place for story time, tables for snack time or art time, and a play house area for kids to express their creativity!

Past our Big Room, you’ll be able to exit our facility into our gated outdoor playground. Weather permitting, we always find time to play outside and let the kiddos burn up some of that energy! In our playground area, you’ll find a number of fun activities! We have a bouncing bus and boat, a jungle gym for climbing, a popular sandbox filled with toys, a toy train for climbing and crawling, a play set with shaded slide and two swings, a grassed area for kicking balls, and much more! We also enjoy evening snack time outside when appropriate and spend a good deal of after school time playing with our peers!

Once you head back inside, you’ll find our PreK 2 and 3 classroom. Here, we have our youngest learners spend a portion of their classroom day. We practice numbers, letters, colors, and enjoy singing and story time! The focus of the twos class is to help them learn how to participate in a classroom setting by taking turns, listening, and becoming good sharers. The three year olds take that one step further and learn how to participate in class by raising their hands, answering questions, and doing more advanced art activities!

Further down the hall, you’ll find our nursery area. The nursery is for our youngest little miracles! Babies from 6 weeks old until they become confident walkers spend their time in the nursery! Here, we have baby safe toys that do not pose choking risks, a changing table, a mini fridge for storing milk, bottle warmers, baby monitors, high chairs for snack time, and more! Our little ones get plenty of cuddles, tummy time, play time, story time, and love in the nursery.

Attached to our nursery is the infant napping room. While our toddlers nap in the Big Room after lunch, our littlest kiddos nap much more frequently so they have a private napping area with bassinets and pack n plays. At Little Miracles, we always practice safe sleep. Your infant will be alone in their crib, on their back, in their safe sleep space with nothing (except maybe a binky) in their crib. This area also has a sound machine, baby monitors, and is kept dark to encourage quality sleep for our little nappers!

Past our nursery, you’ll find yourself in the church’s sanctuary. This is an area where we sometimes allow our older children to respectfully play when we don’t have the luxury of going outside. In here, our children can pray, color, and socialize with their peers!

Past the sanctuary, you’ll find the last two classrooms in Little Miracles. They host our PreK 4 class with Mrs. Hazen and our Kindergarten class with Mrs. Shaw. The first doorway on your right will be our kindergarten classroom! We boast a small class size, never exceeding 15 students. This ensures each and every student will receive personalized one-on-one attention from our wonderful teacher, Mrs. Shaw.

The final classroom you’ll find at the end of the hallway is our PreK-4 Class, taught by Mrs. Hazen. The focus of this class is to prepare the four and five year old students for kindergarten while instilling them with good morals and Christian values!